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Well if you are looking at this page, you probably need help with your computer. Please take a moment to tell us what is wrong with your computer or what you think may be wrong with your PC.

Please email us at  with the information or call and leave us a message at (330) 921-9644, and we will respond as soon as we can.

Computer running slow?

Possible virus?

Not loading windows?

Powering on/turning off on its own?

Needs basic servicing/upgrading?

Building and repairing PC's.

Most major computer repair shops would charge you upwards of $150.00 per hour or even as much as $135.00 per computer just to reload software! But in today's economy you deserve good help, fast and cheap.

Our initial visit would only cost you $50, which is a steal!  We will never charge more then $100 for basic work. You have nothing to lose, you actually have everything to SAVE!!!

-Windows repair/upgrade: $75 (visit)

-Virus Removal: $50 (visit)

-Power issues (turning on/off): $50 (visit)

-Building/Replacing parts: $75 (visit), cost of parts upfront. We will provide documentation of cost for you to review before purchase.

-Data Retrieval: $50 (visit) *Pull pictures and important documents from old hard drive.

-Password Reset/bypass: $75 (visit)

Price around online, shop around we guarantee these will be the cheapest fixes/repairs you will find in town!

Contact us

by email:

by phone: 330-921-9644